We are working to unite the Christian people to stand and mentor to world.. We are doing different kinds of works to mentor to people and Christian Community too
- Prayer net work on dailiy live conferences
- seminars, conferences to teach right doctrine
- Literature and Gospel tracts ministry
- Helping to suffering saints families.. (pastors died by Covid19)
- Helping to serious sick ministers in emergency times
- Helping to suffering mission workers by helping for minimum food
Christian Mentors is working for better fellowship between Christians and it is working to do the work to reform the Christian people and churches where they are diverted to false doctrines and false practices ,
WE are also working to reach the suffering saints in their serious health issues. from 2019 we have reached 128 serious cases to give some relief by giving the emergency medical help ,,
He is an Evangelist .. He faced an serious accident.. He lost leg and his wife, daughter legs also broken and His only son is died in this accident.. Our team reach to help them ,.